sloop -> loop changes about to arrive

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After looking at Ole Rohne's sloop -> loop patch, I am convinced that it
is ready to go into the cvs repository. Ole sent the patch to the list a
few weeks ago. The version I am about to commit replaces the contents of
sloop.lisp with

(in-package "CL-SLOOP")
(defmacro sloop (&rest body) `(loop ,@body))

There is no longer any use of sloop in the src. The share packages still
refer to sloop, however. Once they have been fixed, we will delete the
above definition. (I don't plan to fix the share packages in general
until a later date, as has been the plan all along.)

I have written a file summarizing the changes. I have attached it at the
end of this message. I also will place it in doc/implementation.

The actual changes in this patch are quite small. There are a large
number of lines affected by the sloop -> loop transition, however. I
would like to give the developers a chance to comment before I commit
the changes, so I will wait a few days before committing.


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Ole Rohne contributed the changes necessary to replace the use of
sloop in the main maxima code with loop. The changes are summarized
here. (The actual replacement of "sloop" with "loop" is not included
in the diffs below.)

This list of changes serves both to document what happened and to
serve as a guide for removing sloop usage from the share packages.


1) many changes of the form "by 'foo" -> "by #'foo", e.g.,

 (sloop for (x y) on 
        '(%cot %tan %csc %sin %sec %cos %coth %tanh %csch %sinh %sech %cosh)
-       by 'cddr do (putprop x y 'recip) (putprop y x 'recip))
+       by #'cddr do (putprop x y 'recip) (putprop y x 'recip))

2) in-array becomes across

3) loop-return becomes return

4) delete nleft, leading to

 (defun listify1 (n narg-rest-argument)
-  (cond ((minusp n) (copy-list (nleft (f- n) narg-rest-argument)) )
+  (cond ((minusp n) (copy-list (last narg-rest-argument (f- n))) )
 	((zerop n) nil)
 	(t (firstn n narg-rest-argument))))

5) in-table becomes something more complicated, e.g.,

-			  (sloop for (u v)
-				 in-table arra
+			  (sloop for u being the hash-keys in arra using (hash-value v)

6) this one:

     ,@(sloop for v in decl-specs
-	     unless (member (car v) '(special unspecial)) do nil 
+	     unless (member (car v) '(special unspecial)) nconc nil

7) delete nodeclare, e.g.,

 		  (sloop for i from lis to top
-			 nodeclare t
 			 do (set var1 i)
 			 (apply 'create-list1

8) Fix package exports, shadows, etc:

 (defpackage "CL-SLOOP"
   (:use "COMMON-LISP")
-  (:shadow "LOOP-FINISH")
+  (:export "SLOOP"))
 (defpackage "MAXIMA"
   (:nicknames "CL-MACSYMA" "CL-MAXIMA" "MACSYMA")
-  (:shadowing-import-from "CL-SLOOP" "LOOP-FINISH")
+  (:import-from "CL-SLOOP" "SLOOP")

9) in-package -> being the symbols of, e.g.,

-	 (sloop for vv in-package 'keyword
+	 (sloop for vv being the symbols of 'keyword

10) change declarations, e.g.,

-	   (sloop for i below 3 with a = 0.0
-		  declare (double-float a)
+	   (sloop for i below 3 with a of-type double-float = 0.0
