Case-sensitivity patches now in CVS


As you know, I intend to continue my work to fix/improve the tensor
packages. I have not done anything since the 5.9.1 release because I want to
wait until the downcasing is complete and the code has stabilized.

Is anyone else planning to make any changes to share/tensor? Wolfgang, I
believe, mentioned that he may be doing work on the share packages,
including the tensor package. This is why I don't want to be doing anything
just yet, while things are still in motion.

I also noticed a problem when I downloaded the latest CVS: ctensr.mac now
fails because the command APPLY is no longer recognized. I haven't
investigated this yet, just noticed the problem last night. Worked fine in
CVS just a few days earlier.



-----Original Message-----
From: [mailto:maxima-admin at math] On
Behalf Of Valery Pipin
Sent: Monday, November 15, 2004 3:20 AM
Subject: Re: [Maxima] Case-sensitivity patches now in CVS

I have checked the downcased tensor package with last cvs update.
It is need some additional work to bring tensor to working state. All 
covariant indices now are printed in upper case (even they are defined in
case) while contravariant one go in low case. 

Also it does not work if I issue "bothcases:false"
In this case maxima complain even about simple construction 
Eu(l1,l2):=(if l2=[] then 1 else 2);

Using Lisp CMU Common Lisp 19a
Distributed under the GNU Public License. See the file COPYING.
Dedicated to the memory of William Schelter.
This is a development version of Maxima. The function bug_report()
provides bug reporting information.
(%i1) Eu(l1,l2):=(if l2=[] then 1 else 2);

(%o1)               Eu(l1, l2) := IF l2 = [] THEN 1 ELSE 2
(%i2) bothcases:false;

(%o2)                                false
(%i3) Eu(l1,l2):=(if l2=[] then 1 else 2);
Incorrect syntax: l2 is not an infix operator
Eu(l1,l2):=(if l2=
(%i3) Incorrect syntax: then is not an infix operator
[] then
(%i3) Incorrect syntax: else is not an infix operator
1 else
(%i3) Incorrect syntax: Too many )'s
(%i3) Incorrect syntax: Premature termination of input at ;.
(%i3) bothcases:true;

(%o3)                                TRUE
(%i4) Eu(l1,l2):=(if l2=[] then 1 else 2);
Incorrect syntax: l2 is not an infix operator
Eu(l1,l2):=(if l2=
(%i4) Incorrect syntax: then is not an infix operator
[] then
(%i4) Incorrect syntax: else is not an infix operator
1 else
(%i4) Incorrect syntax: Too many )'s
(%i4) Incorrect syntax: Premature termination of input at ;.

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