Some random thoughts on future features

>>>>> "Richard" == Richard Fateman <> writes:

    Richard> No comment on the conditions issue..
    Richard> I don't know why bessel_j doesn't return numbers.

Because I typed bessel_j[0](x) instead of bessel_j(0,x).  The former
isn't the 0'th order Bessel function anymore.

    Richard> On CLOS and bigfloat and other number types...

    Richard> I've thought about this in the past at various times, and it is
    Richard> not likely that I will recall all the issues off the top of my head,
    Richard> but here are a few.
    Richard> 1. You can't overload the built-in operators like + and * with CLOS.
    Richard> This means that the "most natural" extension of CL to bigfloats is
    Richard> unavailable. This may not matter if you use PLUS instead of + etc.

Actually, I can since everything is in the "MAXIMA" package, so I can
shadow CL's + and *.   But I'd rather not do that.  I'm already
confused by maxima sometimes using the same names as the CL functions,
but with slightly different behavior.

    Richard> 2. It is not so clear how to combine stuff.  For example,

Oh, you read more into this than I meant.  I was only looking for a
way of making it easier for me to write numeric code in Lisp for
maxima.  I think CLOS would make it a bit easier by allowing me to use
the same code.  Consider this from ellipt.lisp:

(flet ((ascending-transform (u m)
	 (let* ((root-m (cl:sqrt m))
		(mu (/ (* 4 root-m)
		       (cl:expt (1+ root-m) 2)))
		(root-mu1 (/ (- 1 root-m) (+ 1 root-m)))
		(v (/ u (1+ root-mu1))))
	   (values v mu root-mu1)))

This would be a valid algorithm if u and m were bigfloats, or complex
bigfloats.  By using CLOS, and appropriate definitions for the basic
ops and functions, I wouldn't have to write anymore code.

As it is now, I'd have to write a version for bigfloats.  Then a
messier version for complex bigfloats.

    Richard> bigfloats of different precision.  Rational + float could be
    Richard> made into a rational.  It could be made into a float unless it overflows.

I think the bigfloat code already handles the case of bigfloats of
different precision.  I think I would follow CL's rules of numeric
contagion so rational+bigfloat is a bigfloat, and so on.
