Tensor packages
- Subject: Tensor packages
- From: Viktor T. Toth
- Date: Wed, 17 Nov 2004 22:58:38 -0500
I have completed the first round of renamings in share/tensor to make the
package compatible with commercial MACSYMA. These are now in CVS. For the
record, and until the documentation is updated, here's what changed:
ctensor Was: ctensr
imetric(name) Was: metric(name)
icounter Was: counter
idummy() Was: dummy()
ichr1,ichr2 Was: chr1, chr2
indexed_tensor() Was: indexed()
icurvature() Was: curvature()
igeodesic_coords() Was: geodesic()
lorentz_gauge() Was: lorentz()
ishow Was: show()
ic_convert() Was: generate()
ct_coords Was: omega
ratriemann Was: ratrieman
ctayswitch Was: tayswitch
csetup() Was: csetup()
uriemann() Was: raiseriemann()
riem[] Was: r[]
uriem[] Was: ur[]
ricci() Was: lriccicom()
ric[] Was: lr[]
uricci() Was: riccicom()
uric[] Was: ricci[]
ein[] Was: g[]
ctaylor() Was: dlgtaylor()
ctayvar Was: param
ctaypt Was: taypt
ctaypov Was: minp
ctransform() Was: ttransform()
levi_civita() Was: lc()
extdiff Was: @
liediff Was: @L
The demos I tested seem to work properly.