Some random thoughts on future features

I think there is another way of doing this, which is to
hack the translator/ compiler code so that

((mplus simp) $x $y)

generates different code if there is


and write all the code in macsyma-level language.

I'm not really familiar with this stuff though, and am
not recommending it.

Raymond Toy wrote:

>>>>>>"Barton" == Barton Willis <> writes:
>    Barton> When I wrote the orthopoly numerical stuff, I briefly thought about using 
>    Barton> CLOS to do double-float,  bigfloat, and complex floating point math. 
>Here is a very, very preliminary version that is very gross.  It
>barely does anything, but it's enough to compute jacobi_sn for
>bigfloat args to bigfloat accuracy:
>(%i1) fpprec:50;
>(%o1) 				      50
>(%i2) jacobi_sn(x,1);
>(%o2) 				    tanh(x)
>(%i3) tanh(0.5b0);
>(%o3) 	    4.6211715726000975850231848364367254873028928033011b-1
>(%i4) jacobi_sn(0.5b0,0.99999999999999999999999999999b0),bfloat;
>(%o4) 	    4.6211715726000975850231848364384478195723189546368b-1
>At this point, I'm kind of soliciting comments on the names of the
>classes and the names of the methods.
>It's going to take some time to get all of this in place.  To be
>really useful, it has to basically provide support for all of the
>basic math operations and special functions that Lisp provides.
>;; Bigfloat and complex bigfloat classes
>;; A bigfloat is basically a maxima bigfloat and contains the mantissa
>;; and exponent part.
>(defclass bigfloat ()
>  ((value :reader bfloat
>	  :initarg :value)))
>(defmethod make-bigfloat ((x real))
>  (make-instance 'bigfloat :value (intofp x)))
>(defmethod print-object ((x bigfloat) (stream t))
>  (print-unreadable-object (x stream :type t :identity t)
>    (format stream "~A" (bfloat x))))
>(defmethod make-bigfloat ((x list))
>  (make-instance 'bigfloat :value x))
>(defclass complex-bfloat ()
>  ((real :reader real-bfloat :initarg :real)
>   (imag :reader imag-bfloat :initarg :imag)))
>(defmethod make-complex-bigfloat ((x real) (y real))
>  (make-instance 'complex-bfloat
>		 :real (intofp x)
>		 :imag (intofp y)))
>(defmethod bf+ ((x real) (y real))
>  (+ x y))
>(defmethod bf- ((x real) (y real))
>  (- x y))
>(defmethod bf* ((x real) (y real))
>  (* x y))
>(defmethod bf/ ((x real) (y real))
>  (/ x y))
>(defmethod bf-sqrt ((x real))
>  (sqrt x))
>(defmethod bf-expt ((x real) (y integer))
>  (expt x y))
>(defmethod bf+ ((x bigfloat) (y bigfloat))
>  (make-bigfloat (fpplus (bfloat x) (bfloat y))))
>(defmethod bf- ((x bigfloat) (y bigfloat))
>  (make-bigfloat (fpdifference (bfloat x) (bfloat y))))
>(defmethod bf* ((x bigfloat) (y bigfloat))
>  (make-bigfloat (fptimes* (bfloat x) (bfloat y))))
>(defmethod bf/ ((x bigfloat) (y bigfloat))
>  (make-bigfloat (fpquotient (bfloat x) (bfloat y))))
>(defmethod bf+ ((x real) (y bigfloat))
>  (make-bigfloat (fpplus (intofp x) (bfloat y))))
>(defmethod bf- ((x real) (y bigfloat))
>  (make-bigfloat (fpdifference (intofp x) (bfloat y))))
>(defmethod bf- ((x bigfloat) (y real))
>  (make-bigfloat (fpdifference (bfloat x) (intofp y))))
>(defmethod bf* ((x real) (y bigfloat))
>  (make-bigfloat (fptimes* (intofp x) (bfloat y))))
>(defmethod bf/ ((x real) (y bigfloat))
>  (make-bigfloat (fpquotient (intofp x) (bfloat y))))
>(defmethod bf-sqrt ((x bigfloat))
>  (make-bigfloat (fproot `((bigfloat simp ,fpprec) ,@(bfloat x)) 2)))
>(defmethod bf-expt ((x bigfloat) (y integer))
>  (make-bigfloat (fpexpt (bfloat x) y)))
>;; An example of computing jacobi_sn for bigfloats.
>;; Only works real args and for 0 < m < 1.
>(defprop %jacobi_sn jacobi-sn-bigfloat floatprog)
>(defmfun jacobi-sn-bigfloat (args)
>  (labels ((descending-transform (u m)
>	     (let* ((root-m1 (bf-sqrt (bf- 1 m)))
>		    (root-mu (bf/ (bf- 1 root-m1)
>				  (bf+ 1 root-m1)))
>		    (mu (bf* root-mu root-mu))
>		    (v (bf/ u (bf+ 1 root-mu))))
>	       (values v mu root-mu)))
>	   (sn-descending (u m)
>	     (cond ((< (second (bfloat m)) (- fpprec))
>		    (make-bigfloat (fpsin1 (bfloat u))))
>		   (t
>		    (multiple-value-bind (v mu root-mu)
>			(descending-transform u m)
>		      (let* ((new-sn (sn-descending v mu)))
>			(bf/ (bf* (bf+ 1 root-mu)
>				  new-sn)
>			     (bf+ 1 (bf* root-mu
>					 (bf* new-sn new-sn))))))))))
>    (bcons (bfloat (sn-descending (make-bigfloat (rest (first args)))
>				  (make-bigfloat (rest (second args))))))))
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