Debugging (was Re: [Maxima] More on documentation)
Subject: Debugging (was Re: [Maxima] More on documentation)
From: C Y
Date: Mon, 22 Nov 2004 13:12:22 -0800 (PST)
--- Robert Dodier <> wrote:
> Incidentally, my own bias is to revise the parts of the
> documentation which are most needed by new users.
> This (I'm guessing) is stuff like saving & loading files,
> using the debugger, other command line stuff, etc.
Speaking of that, is there any good introduction to this stuff floating
around out there? So far the only thing I've gotten to function well
is stuff like:
:lisp (trace macsyma-read);
(By the way - the maxima level trace(); command rejects things like
macsyma-read. I guess it's treating it like a mathematical expression
- is this expected? Or rather, is trace(); operative only at the
Maxima level and :lisp (trace ); is needed at the lower level?)
Trace is interesting, but I would also like to be able to step through
a command using (step ) - does anybody know how to make that work with
Also, is there any way to do something like
showtree(integrate(sin(x),x)); and have Maxima print out the full call
tree as it evaluates the expression? Doing a simultaneous trace of
most of the functions in nparse.lisp achieved part of the effect I'm
looking for, but that neglects all the mathematical calls and various
other pieces. Putting together one huge trace command just seems silly
- is there a TRACEALL variable or something out there?
To save Dr. Fateman the trouble I'll concede that this will result in a
huge flow of information, which will obscure the information one would
be after in a normal debugging session. What I'm trying to do though
is provide a way to see the flow of the program.
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