On Wed, 2004-11-24 at 08:34, Raymond Toy wrote:
> >>>>> "James" == James Amundson <amundson@users.sourceforge.net> writes:
> James> The primary source of confusion here is the difference between Lisp
> James> strings and Maxima "strings." When I enter
> James> foo:"bar";
> James> in Maxima, the value of $FOO becomes &BAR in Lisp. When I enter
> James> (setf $foo "bar")
> James> in Lisp, the value of $FOO becomes "bar".
> Yes, I believe that's right.
> James> It seems to me that the consistent way to treat the case of strings is
> James> to require that they always be appropriate for their context, i.e.,
> James> case-preserved strings in Lisp, case-inverted strings in Maxima. By that
> James> argument merror, which is a lisp function, would continue to take a
> James> string argument (sstring) with unmodified case, but the line where that
> James> string becomes part of a maxima expression,
> James> (setq $error `((mlist) ,sstring ,@ l))
> James> would be modified to invert the case of sstring.
> James> How does that sound?
> Actually, that was my first attempt at fixing that particular example.
OK. As I suspected, you are way ahead of me.
> However it's a bit tricky. If the string contains maxima format
> specifiers like ~M, it seems it must be upper case.
Oh. Yuck.
> We can probably
> fix that.
Yes, we should.
> In addition, in $errormsg and friends, maxima pulls apart the string
> and then calls maknam on various parts of it which is then intern'ed.
> This makes it somewhat hard to tell if the string should be upcased,
> downcased, or what. I haven't figured out how it knows what parts of
> the string to pull apart.
> I only fixed the maknam issue.
Thanks for explaining the problem. I will (continue) to look at this,
> I've been looking at other merror messages. They seem to be ok, but
> there are sooo many and I've only looked at a few.
I am in the process of methodically inspecting and modifying each string
containing one or more sequences of upper-case characters in the src
directory. I had hoped to be done by today, but it is taking longer than
I thought -- even though I wrote a little program to assist me, there
are a huge number of strings to examine. I'll be out of town for a few
days, but I should be able to commit the results soon after I return.