To get mactex to TeX 'kummer_m(a,b,x)' as $$ M\left(a,b,x\right) $$, I
have to do
(defprop $kummer_m |m| texword)
If instead I do
(defprop $kummer_m |M| texword)
the function name TeXs in lower case. Have I missed something? Should
defprop be changed to take care of the case automatically?
PS I have a small file that supports the 1F1 hypergeometric functions:
(%i1) kummer_m(a,b,x);
(%o1) kummer_m(a,b,x)
(%i2) x * diff(%,x,2) + (b-x) * diff(%,x) - a * %;
(%o2) ((a/b-1)*(kummer_m(a,b+2,x)*(a/(b+1)-1)+kummer_m(a,b+1,x))
+kummer_m(a,b+1,x)*(a/b-1)+kummer_m(a,b,x)) *x +
Use downward recursion twice on the second argument to crunch this to zero
(%i3) down_recursion(%,'kummer_m,2,2);
(%o3) 0
Maxima knows a few simplification rules
(%i4) kummer_m(a,a,x);
(%o4) %e^x