CS, strings and broken plotting

The alternative to all this, in Allegro CL's  "modern" mode,
has been to have both cases  (in fact, unicode!) with standard
lisp functions in lower case. e.g.  cons, car, cdr.  I hope that
this can still work.
In fact, the last time I tried compiling maxima in Allegro, I
was forced to use the ANSI version because of case issues.  I hope
that there is like one place (print-invert-case)?  which can be
conditionalized for Allegro in modern mode.  Otherwise we can
run Allegro in ANSI mode, I suppose.

Raymond Toy wrote:

>>>>>>"James" == James Amundson <amundson@users.sourceforge.net> writes:
>     James> On Mon, 2004-11-29 at 12:39, Vadim V. Zhytnikov wrote:
>     >> Raymond Toy writes:
>     >> 
>     >> >>>>>>"Vadim" == Vadim V Zhytnikov <vvzhy@mail.ru> writes:
>     >> >Can you provide more information?  I don't have this problem.
>     >> >
>     >> Oops, actually problem shows up only with GCL.  CMUCL is OK.
>     James> Right. I see the problem now. It's my fault. I wrote a manual (no
>     James> readtable) version of print-invert-case for GCL. My print-invert-case
>     James> inverts the case of strings, but the original does not. I am in the
>     James> process of fixing it.
> FWIW, I think all Lisps should use the GCL version of
> print-invert-case, until GCL gets a working readtable-case.  Then
> every Lisp will behave the same with respect to case, and I think
> that's important for tracking down and fixing bugs.
> Ray
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