Subject: hyp.lisp vs Bessel functions and other questions.
From: Raymond Toy
Date: Tue, 30 Nov 2004 16:34:48 -0500
>>>>> "Barton" == Barton Willis <> writes:
Barton> I vote to never convert 1F1 functions to the Whittaker M
Barton> functions. My reference books (A & S and G & R) have more
Barton> formulae (special cases, recursion, expansions, etc) for
Barton> the 1F1 function than it has for the Whittaker functions.
That is also my thinking. But perhaps we can leave a flag around to
enable getting Whittaker M functions.
And if you're working on Kummer M, then I can have it convert 1F1 to
kummer_m. Or maybe we should follow Mathematica and use
hypergeometric_1f1 here. (It currently does %f[a,b](x).) Or
something else.