CS, strings and broken plotting

>>>>> "Barton" == Barton Willis <willisb@unk.edu> writes:

    Barton> (2) I still have a problem with putprop  & mactex.  If I do

    Barton>                (defprop $kummer_m "M" texword)

    Barton> I get a mess

    Barton> (%i16) kummer_m(a,b,x);
    Barton> (%o16)                         kummer_m(a, b, x)
    Barton> (%i17) tex(%);
    Barton> $$\mbox{{}M{}}\left(a,b,x\right)$$
    Barton> (%o17)                               false

Maybe (defprop $kummer_m "\\mathrm{M}" texword) is better?

    Barton> I still need to do  (defprop $kummer_m  |m|  texword) to get what I want. 

I think this is right.  Remember that in Lisp, '|m| is read as a
lowercase symbol m, and the case inversion stuff will invert the case
of "m" to "M".

    Barton> It seems that  (defprop $kummer_m "M" texword) once worked?

Not sure.  It seems that tex-string is responsible for the mbox{{}M{}}
