jacobi_p expansion?

>>>>> "Barton" == Barton Willis <willisb@unk.edu> writes:

    Barton> (1) orthopoly isn't in the maxima distribution; get it from

Is there a reason why maxima shouldn't have orthopoly instead of
specfun?  I haven't tried it yet, but I would think it's not worse
than specfun.

A couple of things I wish specfun could do.  Perhaps orthopoly can do

o gen_laguerre(n,0,x) = laguerre(n,x)
o gen_laguerre(n,1/2,x) = c*hermite(2*n,sqrt(x))
o various other relationships

Not sure if automatically doing this is a good idea or not, though.

    Barton> (3) If I weren't so slothful, I'd change orthopoly to make the functions 
    Barton> work by simplification ---- then the ev in %i3 wouldn't be needed.

I'm not sure, but I think it's beneficial that jacobi_p isn't
simplified.  While hyp.lisp isn't always smart enough to return
jacobi_p with suitable symbolic args, other parts of hyp.lisp or
hypgeo.lisp might be confused if a hypergeometric function that should
have simplified to jacobi_p was expanded out to polynomial instead of
a jacobi_p function.

But I also haven't looked at hypgeo.lisp much either, so I could be
totally wrong.
