Subject: propsed patch for mload.lisp -- fix printfile bug
From: Robert Dodier
Date: Sun, 5 Dec 2004 19:37:05 -0800 (PST)
--- Richard Fateman <> wrote:
> I suggest a more informative return value, say file. e.g.
> Robert Dodier wrote:
> > do
> > + (if (eq tem 'eof) (return t))
> .......................................file
> if that will print satisfactorily. Then you might
> even know where the file came from.
> If pathnames don't print nicely, maybe this would
> have to be changed slightly.
OK, but (return t) is just the value returned by the loop, right?
The return value of $printfile is (namestring file), not shown
above although it was in the patch I posted originally, I think.
Experimenting with the code as it stands, with (return t),
a construct such as printfile("")$ does yield
"" (as a Lisp string).
Robert Dodier
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