Couple minor questions

>>>>> "CY" == C Y <> writes:

    CY> Hi guys.  I was stumbling around the source code and I had a couple
    CY> dumb questions:

    CY> a)  What is the errbreak function used for?  I can't seem to figure out
    CY> where it is called.

Seems to have been superceded by errbreak1 and errbreak2.  I guess
they're used for handling errors.

    CY> c)  There seem to be some functions which aren't called ANYWHERE, by
    CY> anything, and also don't seem to be logical top level functions.  Could
    CY> a macro somewhere be making use of a function even if its name never
    CY> appears anywhere except in the defun statement?

Possible.  Names can be constructed at compile-time or run-time.
