Maxima 5.9.1 and TeXmacs for Windows AGAIN


I search the archives and even the big number of posts
of this theme i didn't understand an easy way to run
maxima as a texmacs session under widnows. I set the
variables, the path, i have both programs installed, i
go to texmacs and INsert->Session->Maxima, but i get
the message "Plugin 'Maxima' not declared" and that's
The point is (on my oppinion), that maxima "suffers"
of bad look and even the powerful core it can not
become popular if it is not user-friendly. Even very
small programs like EigenMath ( )
has better interface. I think to make Maxmia more
popular and widely used, the connection between Maxima
and front-ends like TeXmacs should be easyer.
Thank you.


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