Maxima 5.9.1 and TeXmacs for Windows AGAIN

Andrey G. Grozin wrote:
> On Fri, 17 Dec 2004, Jordan Tuzsuzov wrote:


>>The point is (on my oppinion), that maxima "suffers"
>>of bad look and even the powerful core it can not
>>become popular if it is not user-friendly. Even very
>>small programs like EigenMath ( )
>>has better interface. I think to make Maxmia more
>>popular and widely used, the connection between Maxima
>>and front-ends like TeXmacs should be easyer.
> This connection is very easy under Linux and other Unix-like systems: 
> everything just works out of the box. Problems you find only occur under 
> MS Windows.
> Andrey

Hi Jordan,

On Windows, see if you like wxMaxima at
