wxmaxima (was Re: [Maxima] conventions for .texi files)
Subject: wxmaxima (was Re: [Maxima] conventions for .texi files)
From: C Y
Date: Fri, 17 Dec 2004 10:14:37 -0800 (PST)
--- Andrej Vodopivec <andrej.vodopivec@fmf.uni-lj.si> wrote:
> I still work on wxmaxima, but I don't announce every release to this
> list. Last version is 0.5.3, there have been some minor improvements
> and a translation to french.
Cool :-). I'll try it out this evening, if my upgrades finish by then.
> Anyway, wxmaxima uses the help dialog from wxWidgets and can't
> display formatted math in help. I don't intend to change this
> anytime soon.
Oh, that's right. I remember you mentioning that now. Duh.
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