Question about data plots

|I've read in the man, "describe(plot)",
|something about "xgraph_curves", but...
|(C3) xgraph_curves([sample]);
|sh: line 1: xgraph: command not found
|(D3)                                  0
The documentation about xgraph should probably be updated
or expanded.
xgraph is a separate application that can be downloaded from
but doesn't come with the Maxima installation.
xgraph is an older plotting program and I'm not sure it's still
being maintained, but it still could be useful. I just
downloaded it and tried it out and it is very easy to install.
# at the bash prompt as a normal user
 zcat xgraph-12.1.tar.gz | tar xvf -
 cd xgraph-12.1
# switch to root account for install
 make install

I executed your commands from within Maxima and
got the data plot.
 load(bessel)$ sample:makelist([i,gauss(0,1)],i,1,50)$
|Is it possible to plot data with Maxima+Gnuplot?
As an alternative to openplot, you can invoke
Gnuplot easily to graph 'functions' with:
The only way I know to use Maxima+Gnuplot
to plot data is to save the data as text
file and use Gnuplot (or Octave, R, or even
a spreadsheet) to do the plot.

L. Prevett
Mathematics Instructor
Cochise College, Sierra Vista, AZ, US