Re: rules problems (was: polynom -> list)

> 2. what does this declare do?

(%i1) describe(additive);

 0: ADDITIVE :( for Operators.

Info from file /home/vttoth/dev/maxima/maxima/doc/info/
 - special symbol: ADDITIVE
     - If DECLARE(F,ADDITIVE) has been executed, then: (1) If F is
     univariate, whenever the simplifier encounters F applied to a sum,
     F will be distributed over that sum.  I.e. F(Y+X); will simplify
     to F(Y)+F(X).  (2) If F is a function of 2 or more arguments,
     additivity is defined as additivity in the first argument to F, as
     in the case of 'SUM or 'INTEGRATE, i.e. F(H(X)+G(X),X); will
     simplify to F(H(X),X)+F(G(X),X).  This simplification does not
     occur when F is applied to expressions of the form

> I just did declare(abl,additive); but abl(x^2+3*x,x) just gives a 2x

(%i2) declare(abl,additive);
(%o2)                                done
(%i3) abl(x^2+3*x,x);
(%o3)                      abl(x , x) + abl(3 x, x)
