Questions and testsuite (Re: [Maxima] Running testsuite)

>>>>> "Raymond" == Raymond Toy <> writes:

    Raymond> Is there something special about running the testsuite?  Why doesn't
    Raymond> it agree?

FWIW, I found out one of the problems.  hgfred was assuming it could
compare maxima objects with Lisp EQUAL, but when running the
testsuite, extra junk (filename) is placed in some of the forms.  I
have to use maxima's alike (or is there some other preferred predicate
to see if 2 Maxima expressions are equal?)

With this fix, the testsuite begins to run and should now prompt to
see if z is zero or nonzero.  Except the prompt never shows up, but
maxima is waiting for you to enter something.  Even after you enter
nonzero, maxima is still waiting for something, but I can't figure out

I'm pretty sure this used to work.

Anyone seeing anything like this?
