Difference between substitution and evaluation

--- Wolfgang Jenkner <wjenkner@inode.at> wrote:

> Robert Dodier <robert_dodier@yahoo.com> writes:
> > If it [evaluation understood as kind of substitution] helps we can
> > restrict consideration to meval instead of considering ev in all
> > its glory.

Sorry, I wasn't clear. "It" refers to "restrict consideration 
to meval". What I meant was, if it is too complicated and confusing 
to discuss ev, let's discuss meval. On further reflection it's
become clear that ev is just irrelevant. Sorry for dragging
in this red herring.

Now that I have an opportunity to clarify -- I guess what
I really want to compare to substitution is whatever part
of the Maxima command loop is called "evaluation". Looking
at src/macsys.lisp in 'continue', it appears that is
effectively meval. (continue -> toplevel-macsyma-eval -> meval*
-> meval.)

Thanks for your help,
Robert Dodier

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