;; plotdf.mac - Adds a function plotdf() to Maxima, which draws a Direction ;; Field for an ordinary 1st order differential equation, ;; or for a system of two autonomous 1st order equations. ;; ;; Copyright (C) 2004 Jaime E. Villate ;; ;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify ;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or ;; (at your option) any later version. ;; ;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ;; MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ;; GNU General Public License for more details. ;; ;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ;; along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software ;; Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, ;; MA 02111-1307 USA ;; ;; See plotdf.usg (which should come together with this program) for ;; a usage summary ;; ;; $Id: plotdf.lisp,v 1.1 2004/10/28 11:51:56 villate Exp $ (in-package "MAXIMA") ;; default plotdf options (defvar $plotdf_options '((mlist) ;; Width in x direction of the x values ((mlist) $xradius 10) ;; Height in y direction of the y values ((mlist) $yradius 10) ;; Width of canvas in pixels ((mlist) $width 500) ;; Height of canvas in pixels ((mlist) $height 500) ;; (xcenter,ycenter) is the origin of the window ((mlist) $xcenter 0) ((mlist) $ycenter 0) ;; xmin ymin xmax ymax .. overrides the -xcenter etc ((mlist) $bbox -10 -10 10 10) ;; The initial value of variable t ((mlist) $tinitial 0) ;; Number of steps to do in one pass ((mlist) $nsteps 100) ;; A semi colon separated list of functions to plot ((mlist) $xfun "") ;; t step size ((mlist) $tstep 0.1) ;; May be both, forward or backward ((mlist) $direction "both") ;; Plot in a separate window x and y versus t ((mlist) $versus_t 0) ;; Place to calculate trajectory ((mlist) $trajectory_at 0 0) ;; List of parameters and values eg k=3,l=7+k ((mlist) $parameters "") ;; List of parameters ranges k=3:5,u ((mlist) $sliders "") )) ;; gets the value of a plotdf option (defun $get_plotdf_option (name &optional n) (sloop for v in (rest $plotdf_options) when (eq (second v) name) do (return (if n (nth n v) v)))) ;; parses a plotdf option into a command-line option for tcl scripts (defun tcl-get-plotdf-option (name) (with-output-to-string (st) (sloop for v in (rest $plotdf_options) when (eq (second v) name) do (setq vv (mapcar #'stripdollar (rest v))) (format st "-~(~a~) " (first vv)) (format st "{~{~(~a~)~^ ~}}" (rest vv))))) ;; parses a plotdf option into a command-line option for shell scripts (defun shell-get-plotdf-option (name) (with-output-to-string (st) (sloop for v in (rest $plotdf_options) when (eq (second v) name) do (setq vv (mapcar #'stripdollar (rest v))) (format st "-~(~a~) " (first vv)) (format st "'~{~(~a~)~^ ~}'" (rest vv))))) ;; changes the value of a plotdf option (defun $set_plotdf_option ( value) (setq $plodft_options ($copylist $plotdf_options)) (unless (and ($listp value) (symbolp (setq name (second value)))) (merror "~M is not a plotdf option. Must be [symbol,..data]" value)) (setq value (case name ($xradius (check-list-items name (rest (rest value)) 'number 1)) ($yradius (check-list-items name (rest (rest value)) 'number 1)) ($width (check-list-items name (rest (rest value)) 'fixnum 1)) ($height (check-list-items name (rest (rest value)) 'fixnum 1)) ($xcenter (check-list-items name (rest (rest value)) 'number 1)) ($ycenter (check-list-items name (rest (rest value)) 'number 1)) ($bbox (check-list-items name (rest (rest value)) 'number 4)) ($tinitial (check-list-items name (rest (rest value)) 'number 1)) ($nsteps (check-list-items name (rest (rest value)) 'fixnum 1)) ($xfun value) ($tstep (check-list-items name (rest (rest value)) 'number 1)) ($direction (or (member (third value) '($forward $backward $both)) (merror "direction: choose one of [forward,backward,both]")) value) ($versus_t (check-list-items name (rest (rest value)) 'fixnum 1)) ($trajectory_at (check-list-items name (rest (rest value)) 'number 2)) ($parameters value) ($sliders value))) (sloop for v on (rest $plotdf_options) when (eq (second (first v)) name) do (setf (first v) value)) $plotdf_options ) ;; applies float(ev(expression, numer)) to an expression, and return a string (defun expr_to_str(fun) (string-downcase (coerce (mstring (mfuncall '$float (mfuncall '$ev fun '$numer))) 'string))) ;; plots the direction field for an ODE dy/dx = f(x,y), or for an autonomous ;; system of 2 equations dx/dt = f(x,y), dy/dt = g(x,y) ;; (defun $plotdf(ode &rest options) ;; parse argument ode and prepare string cmd with the equation(s) (if ($listp ode) (if (= (length ode) 3) (cond ($show_openplot (setq cmd (concatenate 'string " -dxdt '" (expr_to_str (second ode)) "' -dydt '" (expr_to_str (third ode)) "'"))) (t (setq cmd (concatenate 'string " -dxdt " (expr_to_str (second ode)) " -dydt " (expr_to_str (third ode)))))) (merror "Argument must be either dydx or [dxdt, dydt]")) (cond ($show_openplot (setq cmd (concatenate 'string " -dydx '" (expr_to_str ode) "'"))) (t (setq cmd (concatenate 'string " -dydx " (expr_to_str ode)))))) ;; parse options and copy them to string opts (setq opts " ") (cond (options (dolist (v options) ($set_plotdf_option v) (cond ($show_openplot (setq opts (concatenate 'string opts " " (shell-get-plotdf-option (second v))))) (t (setq opts (concatenate 'string opts " " (tcl-get-plotdf-option (second v))))))))) ;; now call tcl's plotdf (cond ($show_openplot ($system (concatenate 'string *maxima-plotdir* "/" $openmath_plot_command) " plotdf" cmd opts)) (t (princ (concatenate 'string "{plotdf" cmd opts "}" )) "")))