These are the kind of things I was looking for when I posted my question on
data plots. Thank you, Jim.
I'll stay tunned.
El Lunes, 10 de Enero de 2005 02:22, James Amundson escribió:
> The recent thread on plotting data points lead me to realize that we
> shold have a way to plot a discrete list of points. I propose to call
> this a "list" plot. The basic syntax would be
> plot2d([list,x,y]);
> where x and y are each 1d lists. I have already written the code, but I
> would like to give others a chance to comment on the [list,x,y] syntax
> before I commit.
> Here are some examples:
> xx:makelist(x,x,0,10);
> yy:makelist(exp(-x*1.0),x,0,10);
> /* plot with line segments */
> plot2d([list,xx,yy]);
> /* plot with points */
> plot2d([list,xx,yy],[gnuplot_curve_styles,["with points"]]);
> /* plot the curve cos(x) using lines and (xx,yy) using points */
> plot2d([cos(x),[list,xx,yy]],[x,0,10],[gnuplot_curve_styles,["with
> lines","with points pointsize 3"]]);
> --Jim
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