maxima, defsystem and CMUCL 2005-01

>>>>> "Vadim" == Vadim V Zhytnikov  writes:

    >> This is very strange.  defsystem doesn't use clos.

    Vadim> This is no longer the case.

Really?  I couldn't find any defmethod/defclass/defgeneric in
defsystem.  I see it does use conditions now.

    Vadim> This fails with the same error message.
    Vadim> Take a look at define-condition missing-component at line #2378.
    Vadim> This is trouble-makin piece of code as far as I understand.

I see that now.  A difference is that I tested with a fairly recent
cvs version of gcl.  I'm not exactly sure what version.

Perhaps commenting out the :default-initargs will work.  Or maybe that
should be commented out and an :initarg nil should be added to the
component slot of missing-component condition.

Can you try that?
