Greetings! OK, I've rolled the known fixes into a 2.6.6 CVS branch.
The changelog is below.
gcl (2.6.6-1) unstable; urgency=high
* New upstream release
* Allow .data section to be first in executable, as on solaris. Also
allow for new bfd section size semantics
* Don't try to write map file when not using GNU ld. Also allow
compile-file to process pathnames with whitespace on Windows
* Fix corner case fixnum arithmetic on 64bit machines
* Rework gmp_wrappers semantics for older gcc
* Explicitly mprotect loaded code pages PROT_EXEC on x86 Linux, as FC3
now requires it.
* lisp-implementation-version is GCL
* Reader extension patch allowing for foo::(bar foobar) semantics
-- Camm Maguire Thu, 13 Jan 2005 23:03:23 +0000
If anyone knows anything else which should go in to this bug-fix only
point release, please let me know in the next few days. Starting next
week, I will be away for 1 month.
If anyone needs assistance building the tree for testing purposes,
please let me know.
Please also pass this on to any other interested parties I may have
neglected in the address list.
One item not yet addressed which I may get to in time is the recent
SGC/MacOSX instability, which I'm hoping Aurelien can shed light on.
Take care,
Camm Maguire
"The earth is but one country, and mankind its citizens." -- Baha'u'llah