Re: rtest14 and specint results

Richard Fateman wrote:
> InputForm[HypergeometricPFQ[{1, 2}, {3/2}, z]] =
> (-(Sqrt[1 - z]*Sqrt[z]) - ArcSin[Sqrt[z]])/
>  (2*Sqrt[1 - z]*(-1 + z)*Sqrt[z])

Good.  Maxima says the same thing if you assume(z>0).  If you assume z < 
0, you get a more complicated expression in logs.

> What exactly would you like to see done in Mathematica?  There is
> a web site
> that will do indefinite integrals.

I'm really just interested to see if I've broken anything in maxima in 
its simplification of hypergeometric functions.

Indefinite integrals from doesn't help because I'm 
looking at Laplace transforms.  I haven't really started looking at 
hypgeo.lisp, yet, though.
