After looking at the Mathematica documentation

--- "Vadim V. Zhytnikov"  wrote:

> Robert Dodier writes:

> >Here are a few points that stand out to me. Maxima might or 
> >might not follow suit. There are certainly other models to follow.
> >
> > * Each function is on a separate page.
> >
> Do you mean HTML documentation or printed book?
> Each function on separate page may be good for HTML
> but it is paper waste for printed material.

Even for HTML it's a tad annoying unless there is a large amount of
information per function.
> > * Page title is the function name.
> Good idea.  It can be helpful in printed material as well - just
> like it usually done in dictionaries.

Yes, I also like that one.
> > * Links at the top of the page show the place of
> >   the item in a hierarchy of categories.
> >   Clicking on a category name shows the items in the category.
> Do we have any notion of hierarchy for Maxima objects?
> I haven't seen anything like this. 

Sigh.  Not that I am aware of.  I would like to eventually figure this
out (that's where that top level run loop call graph came from,
actually) and use that information to organize via lisp packages, but
it is a Large Task.
> > * Related items mentioned in the text have web links.
> >   This includes "See also" items.
> >
> > * Color and font distinguish aspects of the description.
> >   A synopsis stands out at the top. In examples, comments
> >   and labels are colored differently from input & output.
> >   Arguments are italicized (except for examples).
> I can implement different font attributes in update_examples
> script.  At least one thing can be done immediately - user input
> in bold face to make it differ from program output
> (like in Mathematica book).  I'm not sure about color though.

Color should be used sparingly, in my opinion - remember a lot of
people may want to print docs and may only have a black and white
printer to do it on.


> >It seems that the features mentioned above are largely things
> >that could be implemented via style sheets or automated 
> >processing of some kind, if we think them important. 
> >I might try to create a mock up using some of these ideas.

I look forward to seeing it.  Nice to see such activity - reminds me I
should be doing something with Maximabook ;-)


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