> It seems to me that documenting what it does, even if it is not
> exactly what we would ideally want done, is pretty important.
I wholeheartedly agree!
> But we can't always afford to do every possible simplification
> on every expression
I consider that a far, far lesser "sin" than simplifying it to an incorrect
result. Not getting the desired result may be a bug, and might be annoying,
but it's something we can live with. On the other hand, getting the wrong
result is not something users should need to worry about.
> We should move forward on all fronts.
No argument there; my point is simply that mathematical correctness should
always be our priority. (And regarding the documentation, which is what
started this thread, completeness and accuracy should be our priority as
opposed to appearance and organization; those are important also, but IMO
_less_ important. I'd much rather have an ugly page telling me what I need
to know, than a beautiful page containing incorrect or incomplete
> we might add, in the documentation, notes that give some advice
Very good suggestion.