5.9.1 build failure


I am trying a standard UNIX installation on a FreeBSD -STABLE .
gcl version is 2.6.5 .
 	# ./configure
showed no errors.
 	# gmake
(which is gnu-make) fails with this

pukruppa# gmake
Making all in src
gmake[1]: Entering directory `/root/Desktop/maxima/maxima-5.9.1/src'
test -d binary-gcl || mkdir binary-gcl
test -d binary-gcl/numerical || mkdir binary-gcl/numerical
test -d binary-gcl/numerical/slatec || mkdir binary-gcl/numerical/slatec
gcl -batch -eval '(progn (load "../lisp-utils/defsystem.lisp") (funcall (intern 
"OPERATE-ON-SYSTEM" :mk) "maxima" :compile :verbose t))' && \
gcl -batch -eval '(progn (load "../lisp-utils/defsystem.lisp") (funcall (intern 
"OPERATE-ON-SYSTEM" :mk) "maxima" :load :verbose t) (when (fboundp (quote si::sg
c-on))(si::sgc-on t)) (si:save-system "binary-gcl/maxima"))'

Error: "COMMON-LISP" is not of type (LISP:OR LISP:SYMBOL LISP:STRING ...).
Fast links are on: do (si::use-fast-links nil) for debugging
Error signalled by LISP:USE-PACKAGE.
Broken at LISP:USE-PACKAGE.  Type :H for Help.

What went wrong? Do you need more information?



 	|    Peter Ulrich Kruppa    |
         |         Wuppertal         |
         |          Germany          |