Raymond Toy writes:
[CHECK-RANGE doesn't like some sorts of numbers]
> I don't understand how the original version works with %pi/2 but
> doesn't work with 5/2.
I think this is because of
(let (($numer t)) #$%pi/2$) => 1.5707963267948966
(let (($numer t)) #$5/2$) => ((RAT SIMP) 5 2)
Looking at *RED (in simp.lisp), it seems that we should also bind
$FLOAT. This behaviour is not visible from the Maxima top-level
because $NUMER is connected to $FLOAT via its ASSIGN property
resp. some code in $EV.
So the following patch might work (but I am not familiar with the
plotting code).
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ cut ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Index: plot.lisp
RCS file: /cvsroot/maxima/maxima/src/plot.lisp,v
retrieving revision 1.45
diff -u -r1.45 plot.lisp
--- plot.lisp 18 Nov 2004 15:20:28 -0000 1.45
+++ plot.lisp 26 Jan 2005 02:05:02 -0000
@@ -1684,7 +1684,7 @@
128 .8 1 0
" ncolors))
-(defun check-range (range &aux ($numer t) tem a b)
+(defun check-range (range &aux ($numer t) ($float t) tem a b)
(or (and ($listp range)
(setq tem (cdr range))
(symbolp (car tem))
@@ -1693,7 +1693,7 @@
(< a b)
(merror "Bad Range ~%~M must be of the form [variable,min,max]" range))
- `((mlist) ,(car tem) ,(float a) ,(float b)))
+ (rplacd range (list (car tem) (float a) (float b))))
(defun $zero_fun (x y) x y 0.0)
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ cut ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Instead of the aggressive RPLACD one could also simply
(setq range (check-range range)) in $PLOT2D, the same way the other
plotting functions do this.