>>>>> "Wolfgang" == Wolfgang Jenkner writes:
Wolfgang> I think this is because of
Wolfgang> (let (($numer t)) #$%pi/2$) => 1.5707963267948966
Wolfgang> (let (($numer t)) #$5/2$) => ((RAT SIMP) 5 2)
Wolfgang> Looking at *RED (in simp.lisp), it seems that we should also bind
Wolfgang> $FLOAT. This behaviour is not visible from the Maxima top-level
Ah, yes. I failed to look at the aux vars of check-range. Setting
$float would make sense.
Wolfgang> Instead of the aggressive RPLACD one could also simply
Wolfgang> (setq range (check-range range)) in $PLOT2D, the same way the other
Wolfgang> plotting functions do this.
I think the last option makes more sense in terms of maintainability.
Modifying the contents of the list can make it difficult to debug.
(For me, anyway.)
Thanks for the hints!