About freeof... it was, I think,
originally intended to be the purely syntactic
version of depending on one or more variables.
Without looking at free/bound variables etc.
That is, freeof(x,exp) simply looked at exp as
a lisp expression and searched for $x anywhere in it.
It was intended for matching a*x^2+b*x+c where
a,b,c were free of x.
We could implement it and explain it that way, and
then have some other program depends_on ?? that
does the more complicated dependency analysis here..
Robert Dodier wrote:
> Hi Stavros,
> about the freeof function -- it doesn't seem to handle block yet.
>>Also fixes 1079508 (correctly).
>> ((and (eq (caar e) 'mblock) ($listp (cadr e)))
> The first test wants to be (or (eq (caar e) 'mprog) (eq (caar e)
> 'mprogn)), right? mblock isn't the atom which marks block(...)
> and (...) objects.
>> (mapand (lambda (binding)
>> (if (atom binding)
>> (eq binding var)
>> (and (eq (caar binding) 'msetq)
>> (eq (cadr binding) var))))
>> (cadr e)))
> The last bit wants to be (cdadr e) I think -- as it stands
> it yields an error "MLIST is not a LIST".
> After making those 2 changes, I get
> freeof (x, 'block([x], x)) => T, OK
> but freeof (x, y, 'block([x,y], x*y)) => F, ?? That doesn't seem right.
> Also freeof (x, 'block([y,x], y*x)) => F,
> that doesn't seem right either.
> For what it's worth,
> Robert Dodier
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