Simplification into a specific form

Jim Schott  writes:

> I have a rather lengthy function of several variables that I know simplifies
> into a particular form. An over-simplified version of the problem goes like
> this. Suppose I know a function of x and y simplifies into the form
> a*(x + y)^2 + b*(x^2 + y^2)
> where a and b are constants. If maxima has the function in the form
> 2*(x^2 + y^2 + x*y)
> how can I get it to give me it in the desired form? That is, how do I
> get maxima to tell me that a=1 and b=1?

Would something like this be general enough for your original problem?
If so try `demo("facexp");' and `demo("stopex");' and perhaps read
share/simplification/facexp.usg and share/simplification/stopex.usg.

(c1) facsum(a*(x + y)^2 + b*(x^2 + y^2)-2*(x^2 + y^2 + x*y),x,y);
Warning - you are redefining the Macsyma function intersection
			     2				      2
(d1) 	        (b + a - 2) y  + 2 (a - 1) x y + (b + a - 2) x
(c2) substinpart("[",%,0);
			      2				     2
(d2) 	        [(b + a - 2) x , 2 (a - 1) x y, (b + a - 2) y ]
(c3) subst([x=1,y=1],%);
(d3) 		       [b + a - 2, 2 (a - 1), b + a - 2]
(c4) solve(%,[a,b]);

Dependent equations eliminated:  (3)
(d4) 			       [[a = 1, b = 1]]
