matrix algebra problem

Hi Oguz,

You mentioned this problem:

> S1:(IDENT(6)-(Contact1_Coupling_FloorWheel1 .
> Contact1_Coupling_Wheel1Floor)) . Contact1_Force_Floor;
> All of these matrices are defined (like
> Contact1_Coupling_FloorWheel1:matrix([1,0,0,0,0,1],
> [cos(B),1,-1,r,y,y],[-sin(A1),cos(A1),cos(B),0,0,1],
> [0,0,0,0,0,0],[r,0,0,0,0,0],[1,0,0,0,0,1])
> After these calculation S1 appears including the other
> matrixes but not as a whole matrix itself.

It appears that the result is not being simplified. 
For example a+a simplifies to 2*a, sin(0) simplifies to 0,
and a matrix multiplication A.B simplifies to the product
of A and B. Simplification is controlled by the variable "simp".
If simp is false, results are not simplified. Maybe simp is set 
to false -- if you execute "simp;" what is the result?

Perhaps you can try a simpler problem such as ident(2).ident(2)
and tell us the result.

Can you also tell us what is the output of build_info(); ?

Thanks for your interest in Maxima, and I hope this helps.

Robert Dodier

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