thanks for eveyone who had given a thought about my problem;
I had tried to solve the problem with ''simp'' command but it has
already been set to true then I had the idea to simp the equation by
myself.I am happy to say that I had solved the problem with
simplifying the equation.I don't know if it is the best solution but
it works.
S5:(IDENT(6)- (A1_Coupling_Wheel1Body . A1_Coupling_BodyWheel1)) .
{This was my main equation and every variable is 6X6 matrices,I would
like to get matrix S5}
{the bad boy was A1_Force_Wheel1,it is also derived after some
calculations with 6x6 matrices}
A1_Force_Wheel1:TRANSPOSE (Wheel1_Link_A1) .
(Wheel1_Propagation_Contact1 .
. GravitationWheel1_Forcegravitation_Wheel1)+Wheel1_Forceactuation_Wheel1))$
{I tried to rewrite the equation like I was doing the calculation by
hand.I had assigned independent variables for each step of the
calculation }
SM1:TRANSPOSE (Wheel1_Link_A1)$
SMM1:Wheel1_Propagation_Contact1 . Contact1_Force_Floor$
SMMMM1:Wheel1_Propagation_GravitationWheel1 .
{Then I had assigned A1_Force_Wheel1 with using these steps}
A1_Force_Wheel1:SM1 . (SMM1+(SMMM1+SMMMM1+SMMMMM1))$
{After that I got my S5 as one 6x6 matrix}