f # g

The commercial maxima has a package opalg, which maxima's documentation refered
to at one time.  However the source seems to be missing from my distribution.  The

commercial reference manual indicates that GTE in Waltham, MA wrote the package,
perhaps someone knows who wrote it and may be able to get GTE to donate it,
or could write it again.
Dan Stanger

Allan Adler wrote:

> Let f(x1,...,xn) and g(x1,...,xn) be polynomials in n variables.
> I'd like to define the operation f # g as follows: replace each xi
> in f be the corresponding partial derivative operator d/dxi and then
> apply the resulting differential operator f(d/dx1,...,d/dxn) to g.
> How does one do that? I don't know if it is directly possible in Maxima.
> At any rate, it might be possible to speed it up by writing it directly
> in Lisp. I don't know how to do that and last time I tried to figure out
> how to do so, which was some time ago, I think I ran into a problem about
> the number of variables that a user defined function using lisp can have,
> which I vaguely recall being 1. (Possibly I'm getting confused with REDUCE,
> which I also tried to use.)
> Another complication is that Maxima might get confused if some of the
> coefficients are subject to let rules, such as some algebraic numbers,
> and maybe not properly treated as constants by the differentiations.
> --
> Ignorantly,
> Allan Adler 
> * Disclaimer: I am a guest and *not* a member of the MIT CSAIL. My actions and
> * comments do not reflect in any way on MIT. Also, I am nowhere near Boston.
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