Subject: Handling branch cuts for hypergeometric functions
From: Raymond Toy
Date: Mon, 14 Feb 2005 14:20:17 -0500
>>>>> "Barton" == Barton Willis writes:
Barton> The x vs z scheme works OK in a reference book, but it doesn't
Barton> work for a CAS. Either Maxima needs different names for the
Barton> two definitions of the associated Legendre functions (A&S 8.3.1, 8.1.2),
Barton> or Maxima needs to stick to one or the other. The difference
Barton> between these two definitions cannot be explained by saying
Barton> that the factor ((z + 1)/(z-1))^(mu / 2) is multivalued. The
Barton> functions are different.
I'm open to suggestions. And, in fact, I'm using your orthogonal
polynomials to deal with this, so I can do whatever you do.