Re: Handling branch cuts for hypergeometric function s

>>>>> "Viktor" == Viktor T Toth  writes:

    Viktor> I was only suggesting error codes because an exception
    Viktor> handling mechanism may be too much work. Strictly as a
    Viktor> matter of principle, I'm much more in favor of exceptions
    Viktor> than error codes.

Oh, I was mistaken then.

    Viktor> So... how would we go about adding exception support to
    Viktor> Maxima?

Not sure.  The first question is if all the lisps we support support
CL conditions.  I think the answer is yes, except for, maybe, gcl.
But gcl has had a lot of advances recently.

I think the maxima interface will be the tricky part.  I don't know
how to do that.

But maxima does allow throw/catch style conditions, which might be
