Re: suppressing interactive queries

Robert Dodier wrote:
> Hi Ray, you wrote:
>>I must say I don't particularly like conditionals.  Yes, they're nice
>>when you only have one condition, but when you have a lot, it becomes
> Perhaps that's as it should be, if some result depends
> on making a number of assumptions.
> For my part, I'd feel better about interactive queries if
> the assumptions made that way didn't just evaporate.
> At present assertions established by asksign are purged
> at the end of the current computation. Maybe asksign
> assertions can just stay put?
The question is... for how long?
That is, what is the scope of an assumption? There are ways
of established local "contexts" which may be helpful.  but..
Should these answers be maintained after you exit from Maxima and
start up again?
Some information should persist, I think,  like default file directories.
I suppose you could put assume commands in your maxima.init file.