>>>>> "Stavros" == Stavros Macrakis writes:
Stavros> On Tue, 15 Feb 2005 15:22:34 -0800 (PST), Robert Dodier
Stavros> wrote:
>> For my part, I'd feel better about interactive queries if
>> the assumptions made that way didn't just evaporate.
>> At present assertions established by asksign are purged
>> at the end of the current computation. Maybe asksign
>> assertions can just stay put?
Stavros> I agree that they shouldn't evaporate, but I do NOT want them to
Stavros> persist! The correct solution (which I think RJF has been advocating
I certainly agree with that! While testing the hypergeometric stuff,
it asks sometimes is z > 0. If you say yes, it seems that from then
on z > 0. But it's not in the assume database, so can't really tell.
It has something to do with the routines calling checksigntm. I
haven't figured out what it really does.
But it's very annoying, because maxima no longer asks for the sign of
z, so everytime you need to test for a different case, you need to use
a different variable.