Re: conflicts between nset and other stuff in Maxima
Subject: Re: conflicts between nset and other stuff in Maxima
From: Robert Dodier
Date: Fri, 18 Feb 2005 08:10:03 -0800 (PST)
Hello all,
To follow up on my previous message --
> Maxima functions defined in nset --
> $emptyp also defined in src/powers.lisp
> $flatten also defined in src/flatten.lisp
> $every also defined in src/mutils.lisp
> Lisp functions defined in nset --
> (no conflicts found)
> Macros defined in nset --
> while also defined in src/cl-info.lisp
I have looked for use of these functions in share/.
Aside from instances of $emptyp, $flatten, and $every in nset,
I find these. I have attempted to make this list comprehensive.
defined in algebra/charsets/set.lisp
called from algebra/charsets/set.lisp
called from algebra/charsets/charsets.mac
defined in algebra/solver/slvrtbox.mac (as Flatten)
called from algebra/solver/slvrtbox.mac (as Flatten)
called from algebra/solver/solver.mac (as Flatten)
called from algebra/charsets/charsets.mac
defined in affine/aquotient.lisp
called in affine/aquotient.lisp
defined in affine/dim-3.lisp
called in affine/dim-3.lisp
defined in contrib/gentran/convmac.lisp (as a function)
called in contrib/gentran/fdata.lisp
called in contrib/gentran/global.lisp
called in contrib/gentran/intrfc.lisp
called in contrib/gentran/lspc.lisp
called in contrib/gentran/lspfor.lisp
called in contrib/gentran/lsprat.lisp
called in contrib/gentran/segmnt.lisp
called in contrib/gentran/templt.lisp
I hope this list can help us decide what to do.
For what it's worth,
Robert Dodier
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