[Fwd: Two bugs in one (fwd)]

This discussion made me wonder: what is the rationale for not having
keepfloat:true by default?


-----Original Message-----
From: maxima-admin@math.utexas.edu [mailto:maxima-admin at math] On
Behalf Of C Y
Sent: Tuesday, February 22, 2005 3:39 PM
To: macrakis@alum.mit.edu; James Amundson; gesslein@panix.com
Cc: Maxima List
Subject: Re: [Maxima] [Fwd: Two bugs in one (fwd)]

--- Stavros Macrakis  wrote:

> The conversion of floats to fractions is controlled by the global
> parameter ratepsilon.  By default, this is 2.0e-8.  I have argued for
> a long time that this should be much smaller, perhaps 1.0e-15 (5
> ulps).

Are there any downsides anyone can see to this?  If not, I move we
change it pronto.  


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