--- Andreas Volz wrote:
> Yes, now I see it too. Print support is disabled here. But I won't
> break my gentoo. I've still too much packages in ~x86. Perhaps next
> wxgtk moves soon into gentoo.(?)
Dunno - I think the package.mask file entry said something about there
being opengl problems. Perhaps I'll file a bug laying out the whole
wxmaxima/wxGTK issue (there needs to be a gnome flag in the wxGTK
ebuild for gnome printing, as well.)
> The tex output is really great and easy. But how could I save the 2D-
> or 3D-Output into an image or PS-file from inside wxMaxima without
> doing a screenshot?
Uh - you mean saving a plot done with gnuplot from wxmaxima? Not quite
sure what you are after.
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