
On Fri, 25 Feb 2005, Poul Riis wrote:
> Can someone tell me how to run maxima under TeXmacs installed on a
> windows-machine?
This seems difficult :-( (unlike Linux, where everything works out of the 
box). I have no access to any computer running MS Windows.

> My TeXmacs works fine (under cygwin), and I can for instance run a Gnuplot
> session by choosing
> Insert
>    Session
>       Gnuplot
> As far as I know Maxima should be activated in a similar way, but how can
> I add Maxima to the list of sessions?
> I've tried
> Document
>    Add package
>       Session
>          maxima
> (Yes, maxima is on the list here!) but nothing seems to happen (TeXmacs
> replies with 'generic maxima text roman 10').
> Should I download or install something? If yes, what and how?
Please do some investigations.

1. What is the output of the script detect_maxima? Does it agree with the 
version(s) of maxima you have installed on your system, and lisp(s) on 
which it/they run?

2. What arguments are passed to tm_maxima? Insert something like
echo $1 $2 > /tmp/foo
near the beginning of tm_maxima, and send me the contents of foo.

After that, we'll see at which stage things go wrong.
