What do you mean about this data structure

laurent couraud wrote:

> Hi,
>  First sorry for my bad English. I'm French
> Use fixed font to read this message please.
>  I try to found the most efficient way to store CRE form of
> expression. In memory usage and speed access.
>  "Classic" form of expression :
>  x1*(x2^2+3*x3)+x1^2*x2^3-x1^(3*n)

This is a rational expression in x1, x2, x3 and (x1^n).
is that what you want?

to see its encoding, do

:lisp $q

efficiency depends on what you intend to store (sparse, dense?)
and what you intend to do (multiply? divide?).  Size is rarely
a problem now that memory is so cheap. Fast is usually better
than slow :)