getting ready for 5.9.2

Hello *,

As 2.5.2 becomes nearer, I want to make the TeXmacs interface ready for 

The TeXmacs interface redefines tex-stripdollar. The redefined version is 
simpler (it does not put digits at the end of an identifier to the lower 
index position); also, if the name length is >1, it puts the name into 
\mathrm{}. I want to preserve this behaviour. Here is the code from 

(defun tex-stripdollar (sym)
  (or (symbolp sym) (return-from tex-stripdollar sym))
  (let* ((name (symbol-name sym))
      (name1 (if (memq (elt name 0) '(#\$ #\&)) (subseq name 1) name))
      (name2 (if (eql (elt name1 0) #\%) (concatenate 'string "\\" name1) name1))
      (l (length name2)))
    (if (eql l 1) name2 (concatenate 'string "\\mathrm{" name2 "}"))))

But now, after the case-sensitivity changes, this function produces the 
wrong case of all letters. I suppose I have to use something instead of 
symbol-name. What is the correct incantation?

Best regards,