problems with cvs access

On Wednesday 16 March 2005 15:12, Andrey G. Grozin wrote:
> On Wed, 16 Mar 2005, Valery Pipin wrote:
> > This morninng, the cvs access to maxima is recovered.
> Yes, I've got the cvs tree. make fails in doc/info directory:
> /home/grozin/cas/maxima/doc/info//Differentiation.texi:80: Unmatched }.
> /home/grozin/cas/maxima/doc/info//maxima.texi:202: Menu reference to
> nonexistent node `SPECINT' (perhaps incorrect sectioning?).
> makeinfo: Removing output file `' due to errors; use --force to
> preserve.
The same for me. Also, I could not compile for sbcl (i've tried versions 14 & 
20). It compains about   
"The value "$$" is not of type (SIMPLE-BASE-STRING 2) ...."
The error is rooted at  "xerprn.lisp" in
(let* ( (newline "$$"))
