Hello *, Here is the new interface which should work correctly with recent cvs versions of maxima, and with the forthcoming maxima-5.9.2 release. For earlier versions of maxima, nothing will change. The file tm_maxima replaces the old one in /usr/libexec/TeXmacs/bin/ The file texmacs-maxima-5.9.2.lisp is new; it goes into /usr/share/TeXmacs/plugins/maxima/lisp/ New maxima is completely case-sensitive: x and X are two different variables. An additional improvement in the new interface: some hacks in TeX generation used in maxima are undone, so that f(x)^2 is written as f(x)^2, not as f^2(x); sin(x) is written as sin(x), not as sin x. This allows to copy-and-paste (most) expressions from output regions into input regions (if you are in 2d input mode), and they will be interpreted correctly. Hope this will be incorporated in the next TeXmacs release. Then we'll be ready for maxima-5.9.2. Best wishes, Andrey
Attached file: maxima.tar.gz