please enable search capability for maxima archives

Heh - it's too bad macho doesn't seem to have search abilities - it
would have been rather appropriate :-).

On a more practical note, if you have a robust email client you can
import the entire Maxima email archive into it, and use the email
client's search abilities.  I use Kmail for this purpose, and my Maxima
directory has something close to 8000 messages in it, and it seems to
work OK.  I agree a searchable web interface would be nice to
impliment, but I'm not sure what the best one(s) is/are or whether
utexas would go for it.


--- Stavros Macrakis  wrote:
> I don't know how hard/easy it is to make pipermail queryable, but in
> the meantime, you can try a query like
>      XXXXX
> on your favorite search engine, where XXXXX is what you're looking
> for.  This is not ideal -- it doesn't group by topic, allow sorting
> by
> date, etc., but it may be useful nonetheless.
>           -s
> On Fri, 18 Mar 2005 15:07:23 -0500, Kamaraju Kusumanchi
>  wrote:
> > Hi
> >    I visited the maxima archives located at
> > . I can see the
> archives,
> > but I cannot search within the archive. Would it be possible for
> the
> > maintainers to add a search functionality to this page?
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