Testsuite fails with clisp on cygwin and irix after patches to mdebug.lisp and commac.lisp
Subject: Testsuite fails with clisp on cygwin and irix after patches to mdebug.lisp and commac.lisp
From: Billinghurst, David (CALCRTS)
Date: Mon, 21 Mar 2005 14:10:51 +1100
Recent CVS maxima chokes on run_testsuite() with clisp 2.33.
I see this on two platforms:
Maxima version:
Maxima build date: 12:31 3/18/2005
host type: i686-pc-cygwin
lisp-implementation-type: CLISP
lisp-implementation-version: 2.33.1 (2004-05-22) (built 3294537075) (memory 3320098329)
Maxima version:
Maxima build date: 13:53 3/21/2005
host type: mips-sgi-irix6.5
lisp-implementation-type: CLISP
lisp-implementation-version: 2.33.2 (2004-06-02) (built 3307218131) (memory 3320362442)
I done a search through cvs:
- 20050309 14:00 UTC is OK
- 20050309 16:00 UTC fails
The change that introduces the problem is
James Amundson
CVS: maxima/src mdebug.lisp,1.24,1.25 commac.lisp,1.23,1.24
2005-03-09 08:07
Modified Files:
mdebug.lisp commac.lisp
Log Message:
Display prompts if and only if input is expected
Maxima http://maxima.sourceforge.net
Using Lisp CLISP 2.33.1 (2004-05-22)
Distributed under the GNU Public License. See the file COPYING.
Dedicated to the memory of William Schelter.
This is a development version of Maxima. The function bug_report()
provides bug reporting information.
(%i1) run_testsuite();
Running tests in rtestnset.mac:
********************** Problem 1 ***************
ill(allbut([kron_delta, dva, %n, %pw, %f, %f1, l%, solvep, %r, p, %cf,
algebraicp, hicoef, genpol, clist, unsum, prodflip, prodgunch, produ, nusum,
funcsolve, dimsum, ratsolve, prodshift, rforn, rform, nusuml, funcsol,
desolve, eliminate, bestlength, trylength, sin, cos, sinh, cosh, list2,
trigonometricp, trigsimp, trigsimp3, trigsimp1, improve, listoftrigsq,
specialunion, update, expnlength, argslength, pt, yp, yold, %q%, ynew, method,
%f%, %g%, msg1, msg2, intfactor, odeindex, singsolve, ode2, ode2a, ode1a,
desimp, pr2, ftest, solve1, linear2, solvelnr, separable, integfactor, exact,
solvehom, solvebernoulli, genhom, hom2, cc2, exact2, xcc2, varp, reduce, nlx,
nly, nlxy, pttest, euler2, bessel2, ic1, bc2, ic2, noteqn, boundtest, failure,
adjoint, invert, eigenvectors, eigenvalues]))
This differed from the expected result:
********************** Problem 111 ***************
symmdifference({a, b}, {})
{a, b}
This differed from the expected result:
********************** Problem 237 ***************
adjoin(1, {2})
{1, 2}
This differed from the expected result:
{0, 1, 2}
********************** Problem 442 ***************
xrduce(and, [true, true], false)
xrduce(and, [true, true], false)
This differed from the expected result:
473/477 tests passed.
The following 4 problems failed: (442 237 111 1)
Running tests in rtest1.mac:
stdin:2:Incorrect syntax: ** is not a prefix operator
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